Conquering Confusion: A Beginner's Guide to Ozone Therapy
Ozone therapy: Fact, Fiction and Function
You've heard of it (or you wouldn't be here) but what exactly is Ozone Therapy and how can it benefit you?
Welcome to this video in which Kim will give you an informative introduction to home ozone therapy and its benefits. She outlines the various protocols for home ozone therapy and what conditions they can support, making reference to the PubMed database where you can investigate the scientific research that has been conducted regarding the efficacy of ozone therapy treatments. This will help to build your confidence as you begin your own journey with home ozone therapy.
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We hope you enjoy learning about the wonders of home ozone therapy!
Welcome to the Natural Ozone YouTube channel. My name is Kim Saxton, director of Natural Ozone, a Kiwi company dedicated to helping you harness the many benefits of ozone.
Please note, this information is not intended as personal medical advice. For all medical issues, please consult your health professional.
Ozone therapy does have a firm scientific basis, in fact there are over 11,000 scientific articles related to ozone therapy on the Pub Med data base in the USA.
Now I am going to discuss my favourite topic – ozone therapy. Why am I so passionate about this complementary healing modality?
Kim's ozone healing journey
It all started way back in 2007 when I was introduced to ozone therapy. I had a widespread candida imbalance in the body, causing a lot of discomfort and stomach issues. Usually, this would take many months to readjust by following a strict diet. Just by doing a few ozone treatments, I was already feeling significantly better and within the next 2 weeks, I was feeling full of energy with no trace of any discomfort or food sensitivities remaining.
Over the subsequent years of working with ozone therapy within the industry, I have greatly improved my health and also supported numerous customers on their home ozone therapy journey. It is their stories of recovery and renewal that make it all worth the effort.
Customer Review: Chas - Ozone Therapy
“I'm doing an ozone treatment right now Kim. You are super helpful and a complete professional. I have taken my time to review my ozonator and it is an amazing piece of equipment. I've helped my family fight their symptoms from bronchitis to mastitis. All to the amazement of everyone. I am literally doing a Sinus Inhalation right now as I have the first symptoms of a head cold (itchy throat). 10 minutes of inhaling ozonoides through my oil bubbler my throat has calmed down. Anyone new to ozone please do your research. All the answers you need are easily accessible and you'll see how simple maintaining your health can be. Thanks again”
Ozone is an invisible and extremely pure form of oxygen that occurs in nature or can be created through the power of modern technology. Did you know that the first ozone generator was patented by Nikola Tesla?
For more general information about ozone, please watch our video Secret Science of Ozone Gas, Is it Good For You? Uses, Benefits, Risks.
Ozone therapy and it's use in the modern world
Ozone therapy has been a popular healing modality for over 100 years. It is practiced by more than 40 000 health professionals worldwide and countless more people use home ozone therapy, which is the focus of this discussion.
It has been dubbed by Dr Robert Rowen as the:
and has been used to support patients with a wide range of chronic conditions such as various types of cancer, autoimmune issues, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel, fibromyalgia, COPD, infectious diseases, skin complaints, and many other ongoing general health issues."most effective broad spectrum tool"
The answer is simple. Ozone therapy doesn’t treat disease, it treats YOU!
Conditions home ozone therapy can support
Ozone therapy has been proven in scientific studies to perform many tasks:
- Ozone regulates the immune system
- Ozone stimulates the uptake and utilisation of life-giving oxygen
- Ozone increases the effectiveness of our healing anti-oxidant enzyme system
- Ozone improves circulation to the body and brain
- Ozone delivers anti-inflammatory properties
- Ozone is a strong anti-microbial agent (yes, it fights off harmful bugs)!
How do we know all this? Because of the great weight of scientific studies and trials that have been published. If you would like to read them yourself, please visit our ozone therapy study database at Ozone gas is a highly reactive substance, which is exactly what makes it so powerful. However, this also means its window of effectiveness is quite short, it has a half-life of around 20 minutes.
Requirements for home ozone therapy

So, to perform home ozone therapy, you need to create your precision pure ozone. This requires two things:
- A medical ozone generator such as the Natural Ozone Ozonode
- A source of pure oxygen
For more information about these two requirements, please see our videos “How to choose a medical ozone generator” and “Oxygen source – Three methods, one outcome”
There are other accessories you will need depending on which protocols you intend to perform. It may seem confusing at first and possibly quite daunting. But in fact, it's no more complicated than baking a cake! We have an individual video for each one which gives you all the information you need to get started.
Overview of most popular home ozone therapy protocols:
So now I will give you an overview of each protocol and how they can benefit you. If you attend an ozone therapy clinic, then you will most likely be offered a treatment called autohemotherapy where blood is taken out, mixed with the ozone, and reintroduced to the veins. We do not recommend this for the home ozone therapy user, but don’t worry! There are plenty of other options which are safe, effective, and simple to master once you are familiar with the equipment.
Please don’t be overwhelmed. It may look a bit like a mad scientist’s tea party but it only requires a few simple steps and all our kits come with full customer support.
Customer Review: Bjorn Hilke - Fantastic product
"Ozone generator is easy to use and has helped a lot. Quality equipment. Very clear instructions. Kim has been wonderful to deal with.”
Ozone therapy requires a high quality medical ozone generator which creates a precise level of ozone to oxygen mixture. For example the Ozonode has six level settings for maximum flexibility and control. We call this oxygen/ozone mix medical ozone. There are a number of different methods you can use to apply its healing power to different parts of your body.

“…using ozone medically is what reversed the toxic mould poisoning that I had, going back more than 15 years, and I did it at home." Dave Asprey
A small amount of medical ozone is infused via the vagina. This quote comes from a recent literature review conducted by a group of university professors from the USA;
“Ozone is emerging as a new adjunct therapeutic agent for female infertility…… Results suggested that ozone therapy could have beneficial effect on tubal occlusion, could protect from endometritis and vaginitis, might protect ovaries from ischemia and oocyte loss and finally might lead to less formation of pelvic adhesions.”[i]

Using a device similar to a doctor’s stethoscope, we direct ozone directly into the ears. It may provide relief from headaches, brain fog and mood swings. It is also used to deliver ozone to the brain and facial area.

This protocol focusses the ozone application on a small area of skin and the organs beneath. It allows for concentrated treatment of a specific point. Used to support liver function, gut health, spot skin infections and as an aid for women with breast cancer

An ozone resistant bag is used to cover one limb to support a range of skin problems such as MSRA, ulcers, infections and chronic skin conditions.
This is a portable tent-style sauna which fits below the neck and has an input for ozone. This way you can enjoy the benefits of a sauna with the added power of ozone. It is helpful for detoxification, circulation and psoriasis. Dr Frank Shallenberger reports excellent results for treatment and prevention of heart disease, stroke and heavy metal detoxification.

While ozone has many benefits, one thing you don’t want to do is breathe too much into your lungs as it can irritate the mucus lining of the alveoli. However, ozone can be safely introduced into the lungs when diffused into oil. For this protocol, we bubble ozone through olive oil and breathe in the vaporised oil/ozone mixture known as ozonoids. It supports conditions such as COPD, asthma, allergies, colds, nasal congestion, sinus infections, mould exposure and brain fog
Goodness, that must sound like a lot to take in, but unless you are unfortunate enough to suffer from all of the above conditions, you probably only need to choose one or two of the protocols.
You can always upgrade later if you feel the need. As a minimum its recommended to at least do the Rectal Insufflation to get the most effective systematic benefit.
Ensuring correct usage of Ozone Therapy protocols
You are probably wondering what risks there are with ozone therapy. Fortunately, there has been a huge amount of work done over the years to determine this.
The key is start low, go slow. When you purchase your Natural Ozone home ozone therapy kit, we provide you with our regularly updated protocol manual which gives suggestions from the latest possible research of how to perform each protocol correctly according to the Madrid Declaration of international ozone therapy specialists.
When used correctly, ozone therapy is considered to be extremely safe.
Are you interested to know more? Why not browse our catalogue of videos, visit our website or else contact us directly!
Natural Ozone is a New Zealand based family business. We pride ourselves on our customer service and are always happy to answer your queries. You can flick us an email, Facebook message or just pick up the phone and give us a call.
See you in the next video!
Customer Review: Dr Hisham - Will buy again for sure.
"Excellent personal service by a knowledgeable team and high quality Ozone machines. Perfect. Returning professional customer (Ozone user in my profession for 17 years) and will return again :-)”
[i] Merhi Z, Garg B, Moseley-LaRue R, Moseley AR, Smith AH, Zhang J. Ozone therapy: a potential therapeutic adjunct for improving female reproductive health. Med Gas Res. 2019 Apr-Jun;9(2):101-105. doi: 10.4103/2045-9912.260652. PMID: 31249259; PMCID: PMC6607862.