Ozone for Air Purification
Ozone is also an effective disinfectant for air and has been used successfully to decontaminate the atmosphere in storage rooms, containers, houses, kitchens and other areas. Airborne contaminants are a concern in some food facilities or cleaning rooms. Gaseous ozone rids unwanted odours & contaminates in ambient air just as aqueous ozone decontaminates water. The degree to which it is effective at destroying contaminants in the atmosphere or on exposed surfaces in a room depends on the concentration of ozone, humidity and surface area.
Ozonated air means most viruses, bacteria, pathogens and mould can be deactivated with appropriate dosage and time, studies have shown this includes: ANTHRAX, SMALLPOX, EBOLA, RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES, BACTERIA, SWINE FLU, SARS CORONAVIRUS.
Get rid of strong smells & sanitise your kitchen, household, hotel rooms or car! Natural Ozone ozone generators will remove odours by the powerful oxidising agent - ozone. Further, it neutralises smells and also helps reduce airborne microbes such as bacteria, molds and spores. Because oxygen naturally seeks its normal state, and ozone is an energised form of pure oxygen, it seeks out suspended particulates in the air and ionizes them making them negatively charged and attracted to walls and surfaces.
Ozone is effective also as a disinfectant deactivating airborne pathogens and antigens causing hayfevers and asthma even at relatively low concentrations and does not leave toxic by products.
High Ozone shock treatment
High Ozone shock treatment or ozone blasting is a fast and inexpensive method of an unpleasant odor removal in commercial and residential buildings. High Ozone Shock Treatment involves using an ozone generator to create high levels of ozone in an odour ridden or mold-affected room or building for a short period of time, generally an hour, depending on size and other variables. Any area which may have high ozone levels must be evacuated for the duration of the High Ozone Shock Treatment and is safe to enter again after an hour from when the treatment ended. These types of ozone generators are used to remove smoke odors after fire damage, musty smells after flooding, mould (including toxic moulds), and the stench caused by decaying flesh which cannot be removed by bleach or anything else except for ozone. However, it is not healthy to breathe ozone gas, and one should use it with caution as directed. Generally these types of ozone generators produce over 3000 mg of ozone per hour and have a fan enclosed to distribute the ozone around the area.
You can contact us to discuss directly the strength and design of ozone generator that we can custom make to suit your particular application.
How ozone cleans the air
"Electronically emitting nature's most powerful air-cleansing agents over a large area".

Ozone is nature's most powerful air-cleansing agents. There is nothing in the world more effective in taking allergens and contaminates out of the air we breathe. Unfortunately, due to the tight construction of today's homes and buildings, it is unable to take effect within indoor environments. Ozone is created by nature, and found at their most optimal levels where the air is most pure and healthy. these places typically include up in the mountains, near waterfalls, where lightning has just occurred, in open meadows away from the city, and the ocean shore by the crashing waves.
How does Ozone Work?
Ozone oxidizes airborne pollutants, then reverts to oxygen, leaving behind cleansed and freshened air. Here's how this process works:

Oxygen molecules

One oxygen atom splits off to oxidise pollutant, leaving behind breathable oxygen and purified air.

Ozone is highly reactive, so it interacts with most contaminates and allergens it encounters. As the ozone proceeds to destroy the pollutant through oxidation.
ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air conditioning):"Ozone controls surface mold on packages and walls, and reduces scale development and decay. The presence of ozone... significantly reduces the occurrence of mold."
RSES (Refridgeration Service Engineers Society):"Ozone is one of the purest and most powerful oxidants and germicides known."
See here studies showing the:Effectiveness of Ozone
Is Ozone Safe?
Although some groups claim that ozone is harmful, proof of its safeness and usefulness at moderate concentrations have prevailed in hearings before the FTC. Plus, millions of ozone air purifiers have been sold in the United States over the years, but there are no specific cases where an ozone air cleaner has been linked to any kind of harm or injury.
Why ozone is mistakenly given a bad name
Ozone can only be harmful when breathed directly and occurring at extremely high concentration. However, at lower levels it serves as a powerful purification element without harmful side effect. It's also a powerful purification agent in large doses, but can also act as a lung irritant in higher concentrations so precautions must be made to ensure the room is unoccupied when under going High Ozone Shock Treatment. One example of this is an ozone alert, which is a warning to the public when outdoor levels of ozone reach a high level. Ozone alerts usually occur in already polluted areas where there is a high concentration of hydrocarbons in the air (pollutants that result from smokestack and vehicle exhaust pollution).
By way of Shock Treatment you can ozonate an area that is unoccupied with a high concentration and get effective results. Once the unit has been switched off, the area is safe to enter again after an hour.
Why ozone is associated with smog
In these cases though, the reason ozone concentration hits high levels in polluted areas is due to the fact that it is a byproduct of the sun rays coming in contact with hydrocarbons. This is the sun's ways of trying to neutralise the pollutants. In which case, where the hydrocarbon level is very high, the ozone concentration also becomes higher. However, it is much easier to measure ozone concentrations than it is hydrocarbon concentrations, so ozone gets the bad name, even though it is the hydrocarbons that are the real problem. But as is the case with just about every other chemical element, ozone has its range of effects, from no effect, to useful effect, to hazardous effects. Another good example of this is table salt, which provides essential fortification for nerve cells and the kidneys, and prevents heat stress disorders at lower concentrations. At higher levels though, it can result in hypertension and cardiac failure.
Safety levels of ozone
Ozone is completely safe and effective when occurring within FDA and OSHA standards of 0.05 ppm (parts per million). In healthy and clean outdoor environments, ozone occurs between 0.02 and 0.05 ppm. Ozone has not been found to be harmful to the lungs until occurring at concentrations of 0.1 to 0.2 ppm. In addition, the smell of ozone will become unpleasant and obnoxious well before reaching harmful levels, serving as a built-in and self-policing safety mechanism. If this happens, you know to make an adjustment (i.e. adjust setting of machine, increase air flow, place in more open/larger area). However, at proper levels (0.02 ppm to 0.05 ppm), it will have a pleasant and clean smell to it, reminiscent of the smell outside after a lightening storm.