Your wellness is our business
Ozone is super-charged oxygen with amazing properties and it provides eco-friendly solutions to a surprising range of issues:
Air sanitation - deodorising, killing mould, bacteria and viruses; Water purification and chlorine-free spa conditioning; Complementary health support for chronic conditions; Boosting metabolic function for improved health and fitness; Ozonated oil to support stubborn skin conditions
Find an at home ozone therapy bundle specifically tailored to complement your better health
What is Home Ozone Therapy used for?

Home ozone therapy for
Cancer Support
Ozone therapy has been shown in studies to support conventional cancer therapies such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy, increasing the effectiveness of the treatments and improving recovery times. Natural Ozone does NOT claim that ozone therapy cures cancer.

Home ozone therapy for
Autoimmune conditions
Ozone therapy has been shown to regulate the immune system, reduce systemic inflammation and improve tissue oxygenation.

Home ozone therapy for
Chronic Fatigue/ Long Covid
According to a recent study: “Of the 65 patients with CFS we have treated, 52 patients (80%) showed a significant improvement in symptomatology (>50% improvement in symptoms). There have been no side effects to ozone therapy.” Similar results have been reported for Long Covid.

Home ozone therapy for
Infectious diseases
Ozone has been proven in many studies to be lethal to pathogens such as viruses (including SARS Cov-2). Ozone can be used as a safe and ecologically friendly sterilising agent. Ozone therapy has been used to support people with a wide range of conditions including hepatitis, AIDs, Covid, even Ebola.

Home ozone therapy for
Ozone therapy has been shown in various studies to reduce inflammation, regulate the immune system, increase oxygenation of cells among other benefits. Wellness influencers around the world including Gwyneth Paltrow recommend regular ozone therapy to keep your body in top shape.

Home ozone therapy for
Biohacking /performance
Increased oxygen in your cells, improved mitochondrial function, reduced inflammation and other perceived benefits spur many sportspeople into using ozone therapy to give themselves the winning edge. Even bodies such as the NFL in the USA recommend it.
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What else is Ozone & Oxygen used for?

Home ozone therapy for
Skin & Beauty
Ozonated oils can be used to support myriad skin conditions including psoriasis, fungal infections, acne, eczema, nappy rash and antibiotic resistant infections. It can also be used as a daily moisturiser and anti-wrinkle cream.

Ozonated water for
Many people swear by their morning dose of ozonated water to add a burst of life to their day. Ozone therapy has been shown in trials to boost mitochondrial function and oxygenation of tissue, giving the cells more energy to thrive!

Air ozone for
Room Sanitisation
Airborne ozone deactivates viruses, bacteria and mould while removing pollutants such as smoke and cooking smells. An air ozone generator can be used safely and effectively at home with a few simple steps. Air ozone is used widely in the commercial cleaning industry.

Water ozone for
Food Sanitisation
Ozone is used extensively in the food industry to sanitise, strip agricultural chemicals and extend the shelf life of vegetables, nuts and fruit. Ozone quickly dissipates after treatment leaving no chemical trace.

Water ozone for
Spa Pools
Love your spa but not the chemical sting? An ozone generator for spa pools can reduce your chemical usage by 99% leaving your water fresh and crystal clear without the toxic effects of chlorine. Also suitable for cold plunge.

Oxygen support for
COPD and Asthma
Struggling with oxygen? There are times when some of us need oxygen support just to complete our daily tasks. An oxygen concentrator creates breathable oxygen at therapeutic levels day in day out without the hassle of heavy bottles which require refilling.