Effects of Major Ozone Autohemotherapy on Physical Functionality and Quality of Life in Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Type: Prospective Cross-sectional Study

Author:  Gülçin Gazioğlu Türkyılmaz, Şebnem Rumeli, Mesut Bakır


 Significant improvement in FIQ and SF-36 scores was observed in all periods compared to the previous period (P < .05). Between two consecutive measurements the most prominent improvements in both FIQ scores (P < .001) and SF-36 scores was observed between baseline and the PT period (P < .001). Significant improvement also occurred in all SF36 subscale scores between PT and PT3 (P ≤ .02).

The study was the first to demonstrate the efficacy of MAH for fibromyalgia patients as found using FIQ and SF-36 questionnaires repeated at certain intervals. The study found that MAH provided improvements in quality of life and general health status for FMS patients.

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