Ozone is relatively easy to produce but can create harmful by-products. Our high quality medical grade ozone generators produce pure, contaminant-free ozone.

Medical ozone generators must be constructed from the high grade ozone resistant materials due to the corrosive effects of ozone gas. With 13 years experience in the industry, Natural Ozone has the experience to know what works.

Safe and effective application of medical ozone requires a machine capable of many different levels at give low flow rates. Check out Natural Ozone's double cell, multi-level delivery system!
What conditions is Ozone Therapy used for?
Ozone therapy, dubbed by Dr Robert Rowen as the “most effective broadspectrum tool”, has been used to support patients with a wide range of chronic conditions such as various types of cancer, auto immune issues, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel, fibromyalgia, COPD, infectious diseases, skin complaints and many other ongoing general health issues.
Why use Home Ozone Therapy?
Although the medical establishment is finally understanding and acknowledging the benefits of ozone therapy, it can still be hard to find a clinic nearby, especially in Australia and New Zealand. Even if you do have a clinic handy, the cost can be prohibitive. Fortunately, with the correct equipment and support, ozone therapy can be administered safely and effectively in the comfort of home.
Don’t wait until you’re sick
Increasingly, wellness warriors choose a functional medicine or a biohacking approach to long term wellness, looking to prevent disease and improve health with regular ozone sessions in the comfort of their own home, promoting vitality and supporting their immune response.
Is Ozone Therapy safe?
Just like many medical procedures, ozone therapy requires high quality equipment and proper procedures to ensure safety and efficacy. According to a 1980 study conducted by a German medical society, ozone therapy is statistically proven as one of the safest medical therapies available. In fact, of 384,775 patients and over 5 million treatment sessions, there were only 0.00007% (40 cases) of side effects noted.
FREE Home Ozone Therapy Guide
Our FREE Home Ozone Therapy Guide is designed specifically for in-home use. A handy, practical resource for everything required to get started at home. Packed full of handy tips and useful technical specifications, this DIY booklet will have you up and running in no time
- What is Ozone used for
- How does Ozone work
- Getting started with Ozone
Home Ozone Therapy bundles
Take the stress out of setting up your home ozone regime by choosing a Natural Ozone Home Therapy bundle. Find the kit that suits your needs and we will ensure that you have every requirement to perform common ozone therapy protocols as recommended by peer reviewed studies.