Ozone therapy: A clinical review

Type: Journal article

Author:  A. M. Elvis and J. S. Ekta


Diabetic complications are attributed to the oxidative stress in the body, O3 was found to activate the antioxidant system affecting the level of glycemia. Ozone prevented oxidative stress by normalizing the organic peroxide levels by activating superoxide dismutase.[3637] Ozone was found to completely inactivate the HIV in vitro, this action of O3 was dose-dependent. Concentration used for inactivation was found to be non-cytotoxic.

The inactivation was owing to the reduction of the HIV p24 core protein.[38] Ozone was also found to increase the host immunity by increasing the production of cytokine.[39] In an in vitro study, it was observed that O3 is very effective in reducing the concentrations of Acinetobacter baumannii, Clostridium difficile and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in dry as well as wet samples, hence it can be used as a disinfectant. Oxygen/ O3 mixture was also found to prolong the appearance of arrhythmia induced by potassium chloride, aconitine, etc., in laboratory animals like rats.[40]

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