Time to Take Air Ozonation Seriously

The Toll of Covid

It has been devastating to see my friends and family across the world being affected in so many ways by Covid-19.  My partner and I have been hoping to get across to Australia to visit family for months but every time things are going well, there seems to be another outbreak.

Hotel Abandoned

This news story tells of how an entire medical hotel had to be shut down because nobody could understand the mechanism of infection of the new UK strain.

Not the First Time

More often than not, hotel sanitation seems to be the root cause of these outbreaks. I ask myself “why on earth don’t they use an air ozone generator as an inexpensive and scientifically proven adjunct to their current regime?”

Ozone Works Differently


In this experiment, scientists proved that running a commercially available air ozone generator for half an hour in a hotel room can reduce a similar virus to SARS-Cov-2 by more than 99.99%.

Surprise from Japan

It has been long well known that a shock treatment like in the experiment above is devastating to viruses, bacteria and mould alike, but what we learned from this new data from the University of Tokyo surprised even the experts. They found that levels as low as 0.5ppm (the legal level for exposure in the USA), the virus which causes Covid-19 was reduced by over 94% in 8 hours.

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A must have for businesses:

"We love the ozonator and so do many other businesses in Waipu that have been odour free since we shared it. Great work and thanks so much."

- Dr Wayne McCarthy

Simple to Use

Many hotels and B&Bs have already caught onto the ozone trend using a unit such as the Purimax 5. Why? Because it is a lightweight, portable device which can be moved easily from room to room. They find that it leaves the rooms smelling fresh by eliminating odours such as smoke or food smells as well as reducing pathogens.

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Got Any Questions?

Just pick up the phone and give us a call. After over a decade in the ozone service business we have the know-how and the quality equipment to service every need.

Kim Saxton - Director
