Understanding Ozone

Ozone is made from oxygen, which makes up water, air, earth and is at all levels a part of life. As we need oxygen to breathe and live, oxygen is more a part of our life than anything. Remember, oxygen is in water we need to live, and water comprises 85% of our body. We are walking ozonators. Ozone can be applied to clean the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, or kill the viruses that harm us. It is also being applied to many industrial applications.

old New Brighton ozone hotel

Ozone is produced in the air by the crashing of the waves in the ocean and as such became a fashionable name for cafes and hotels that sprung up everywhere around the turn of the century.

The Ozone Hotel pictured here was built in 1914 as a convalescent home for World War I soldiers, snapped near the pier at New Brighton, Christchurch. Unfortunately it has now been demolished as was badly damaged from the Christchurch earthquakes.

What is Ozone??

Ozone is 3 or more OXYGENS O3, O4, O5, O6...........      
When most people think of ozone, they picture the layer high in the earth's outer  atmosphere that protects us from the sun's ultraviolet rays, but this bluish gas, which sometimes can be detected as a fresh smell after a thunderstorm, is actually a valuable tool with a variety of down to earth uses. Ozone gas (03) is a naturally occurring tri-atomic form of oxygen (02) that is formed as sunlight passes through the atmosphere or when streaks through the air. It can be generated artificially by passing high voltage electricity through oxygenated air (corona discharge), causing oxygen to break apart and recombine in the tri-atomic form. Because oxygen naturally seeks its normal state, ozone is an unstable, highly reactive form of the gas. Ozone is effective as a disinfectant at relatively low concentrations and does not leave toxic by products similar to those related to chlorination.

Some quick ozone facts:

  • Ozone is "active oxygen" - a ozone molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms.
  • Ozone is healthy and environmentally safe.
  • Ozone is created in nature from oxygen in the air by ultraviolet rays of the sun or by the corona or electrical discharge during a lightning storm. The Ozone layer in the atmosphere protects the earth from deadly radiation and there is a small amount of ozone in the air we breathe.
  • Ozone has a clean, fresh scent often noticed after a rainstorm.
  • As an oxidizer, ozone is 500 times as powerful as chlorine and 3,000 times as fast at killing bacteria and other microbes.
  • Ozone is a powerful oxidiser and oxidises hydrogen sulphides, iron, manganese and most chlorinated hydrocarbons and eliminates soaps and oils.
  • Ozone is a natural purifier and destroys bacteria, viruses, cysts, yeasts, moulds and mildew and fungus.
  • Ozone is a byproduct of oxygen, it does not leave any chemical taste or smell, it will not cause any personal discomfort or irritation.
  • Ozone is the alternative water purifier to traditional chemicals such as chlorine and bromine and keeps the water fresh, clean and sparkling clear.
  • Ozone is not a carcinogen (like the chlorine and chloramines formed in your spa with chlorine use) and will not irritate, dry out or leave a chemical film on your skin; or damage and discolour your hair.

The first commercial use of ozone was in a municipal water system in 1906. Ozone is now used by a wide variety of industries worldwide, including natural health, wastewater plants, water parks, zoos, aquariums, food manufacturing, wineries and water bottling as well as commercial and residential swimming and spa pools.
